The Benefits of Using a Bunion Brace As you know, bunions, bunionettes and other foot/toe deformities don’t just pop up out of nowhere. These issues actually develop over time due to a variety of factors and may be able to be prevented with proper precautions and lifestyle choices. At Bunion Bootie, we create products that […]
6 Exercises Bunion Sufferers Should Know About
Exercises for Bunions? Do you or a loved one suffer from bunions, bunionettes or another toe/foot deformity? Tired of over-the-counter medications that barely help the discomfort and pain? Interested in a more natural bunion treatment option? At Bunion Bootie, we are dedicated to providing and educating our patients about non-surgical bunion care. Today, we’re discussing […]
6 Steps to Healthy Feet
A Guide to Maintaining Healthy Feet At Bunion Bootie, we are a bit obsessed with healthy feet. Bunions and other foot/toe deformities are often caused due to improper foot care, maintenance and health. Today, we’re discussing the importance of healthy feet and what you can do to maintain them. If you have questions regarding maintaining […]
Kids With Bunions?
When it comes to talking about bunions, women are usually the most common demographic we talk about, as they are much more likely to form bunions. Children however can be susceptible to bunion formation along with other toe and foot deformities. Today, Bunion Bootie is discussing pediatric bunion formation and what exactly you can do […]
The History of Shoes, Bunions & Other Deformities
Did you know that the clothing, shoes and accessories we wear can actually impact our development and health? Newer research has shown that humans started wearing shoes around 40,000 years ago, about the time there started to be a change in the size of toe bones. This change in human anatomy is due to the […]
Bunion Bootie Prices Fall for Fall!
Bunion Bootie Prices Fall for Our Fall Promotion With Halloween almost here, fall is now in full swing! Along with cooler weather comes marathon season, more outdoor activities and for many, some bunion discomfort. Luckily, Bunion Bootie is offering a limited-time fall promotion, our customers can take advantage of lower Bunion Bootie prices – just […]
Lacing Running Shoes With Bunions & Other Foot Issues (Part 2)
Lacing Running Shoes With Bunions & Other Foot Issues During our last blog we discussed lacing running shoes with bunions or other foot/toe issues. Bunion Bootie is dedicated to providing natural bunion products and educating people about how they can naturally prevent and/or treat bunions without resorting to surgery or other invasive treatment options. Today […]
4 Lacing Techniques for Bunions, etc to Keep You Running Longer (Part 1)
Shoe Lacing 101 – Lacing Techniques for Bunions and Other Ailments Did you know that according to statistics over 4,400,000 people suffer from bunions each year? Of these 4.4+ million people, the majority of sufferers are women. This is typically due to the shoes worn by women across the world such as high-heels or narrow […]
Bunion Formation, Bunion Correction & Bunion Socks
When it comes to bunion formation and the often painful symptoms that accompany a bunion, many bunion sufferers fail to realize how big of an impact socks can have. If you suffer from bunions or bunionettes, selecting the right socks can make a world of difference when it comes to comfort, preventing further aggravation of […]
Running with Bunions: A Runner’s Guide to Helping & Preventing Bunions
Running with bunions or trying to prevent them from even occurring? Now that we’re getting into marathon season, it’s time to take a look at tips and ways to keep your bunions at bay. At Bunion Bootie we specialize in non-surgical bunion treatment options and are dedicated to helping people around the world who suffer […]