Questions to Ask Prior to Bunion Surgery
Chances are, if you’ve stumbled upon our page, you or a loved one probably suffers from bunions or another foot/toe deformity. At Bunion Bootie, we are dedicated to educating our customers about all things bunion and the care of them. Today we’re discussing bunion surgery and the important questions patients should be asking their podiatrist beforehand. If you have any additional questions or are interested in our non-surgical bunion care options, feel free to reach out.
What can cause my bunion to return following bunion surgery?
Did you know that just because you have bunion surgery doesn’t mean your bunion will never return? There are various complications that can occur during surgery that can make bunion formation more likely. Neglecting to change footwear and lifestyle following surgery can be another huge factor in whether you suffer again in life. The fact is, up to 25% of patients can see a recurrence of their bunion(s).
Can smokers have bunion surgery?
While some surgeons will work on patients who are using tobacco products, it is heavily risky and could result in your bone not healing properly and other complications having to do with the healing of your bunion. Additionally smokers can take nearly 50% longer to heal. We would certainly recommend kicking the habit before you go under for your procedure.
What type of bunion surgery would be best for me?
There are actually different techniques that can be used when it comes to bunion surgery, some with more risks than others. It is important to ask your podiatrist which surgery they are recommending and why since there are over 100 surgeries described for bunions!
Can I wait to have my bunion corrected?
Wanting to consider your other options, maybe try a natural approach to treatment? Asking your podiatrist how necessary surgery is can give you an idea of how bad your case is and whether or not it would be wise to try some non-surgical approaches first. A sign of a good surgeon – they won’t recommend surgery until the pain of the bunion has made life difficult or too painful.
How long does bunion surgery take?
This will depend upon various factors such as which surgery you have opted to have to correct your bunion. Most bunion surgeries takes about 45 minutes to around 3 hours. Again, there are various factors involved, your specific podiatrist should know a bit more.
How long does surgery recovery last?
This is heavily dependent upon the exact surgery being performed and how well your body can heal. It is typically recommended to let the bone heal for at least 6 weeks prior to returning to normal activities.
How long before I can work again?
As mentioned above, it can take about 6-8 weeks to recover. We would plan on missing a minimum of 6 weeks of work following your surgery. Prior to your procedure, we recommend asking your specific podiatrist if they can give you an exact time you should be requesting away from your job.
Start Non-Surgical Bunion Treatment Today
Suffer from bunions but want to avoid surgery? At Bunion Bootie, we have a wide range of natural, non-surgical bunion care options that can help with the day-to-day symptoms often associated with the condition. For any additional questions, feel free to reach out to Bunion Bootie. We’re always happy to help.