In the modern world of business, more and more companies are taking advantage of online shoppers and are offering all-natural treatment options to help customers find bunion relief. And, with the myriad of options on the market, it has become increasingly tough for bunion sufferers to find the best product. That said, reviews are the […]
Can Poorly-Fitted Shoes Impact the Development of Bunions in Children?

Plenty of children wear ill-fitting shoes. Whether they’re too big or too small, it can be tough to keep up with kiddos’ fast-growing bodies. But, believe it or not, while the exact cause for bunions is unclear, wearing poorly-fitted shoes during the early stages of development is recognized as a significant contribution to a painful […]
BunionETTE Bootie v. Bunion Bootie
Which Bunion Corrector Is Right For Me? There are three main differences between the Bunion Bootie and the BunionETTE Bootie. The important thing to know is that all of our bunion correctors are extremely comfortable, easily worn in any shoe, and intended to fit snugly in order to provide the most support and temporary correction. […]
Received a Package You Didn’t Order? FTC Says It Could be Brushing Scam

Now that commerce has made an even harder right turn to online shopping since the pandemic started a year ago, online retailers have had to work hard to achieve or maintain positive seller reviews. Even if that means scamming the system. Have you received an item in the mail that you didn’t order? Usually something […]
Buyer Beware About Amazon’s Gift Guides

Amazon’s Curated Gift Guide: The Truth Another Holiday season is around the corner and with that comes Amazon’s Curated Gift Guide, a list of wonderful items that have supposedly been handpicked by “experts”. This however is a bit far from the case, sponsorships for the Amazon Holiday Toy List can actually pay as much as […]
Morton’s Neuroma & Bunion Booties: How They Have Helped Those With Neuroma in the Foot

Can Bunion Bootie Help Interdigital Neuromas? Chances are if you’ve found us, you or a loved one are suffering from some sort of toe or foot deformity that has impacted your day to day life. At Bunion Bootie, we are dedicated to the natural and non-surgical treatment of foot and toe deformities such as bunions, […]
Mail Delivery May Slow – Starting Now

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” – the motto of the USPS…until now. The cash strapped United States Postal Service is now facing unprecedented stress as nearly 400,000 workers have had to quarantine for at least two weeks after COVID-19 […]
Ways to Keep Bunion Patients Safe During COVID-19

Bunions hurt? Bunion surgery cancelled? The COVID-19 pandemic might bring relief to some as they are no longer required to stand, or be on their feet for 8-12 hours per day working. For others, their anticipated bunion surgery has been cancelled by the medical facility or by the bunion patient themselves, as their health insurance […]
Bunion Surgery Back On? Review the Risks

What Are The Risks of Bunion Surgery? When it comes to living with bunions, we often see surgery as the main recommendation for treatment. However, in this new world of Covid-19, many bunion sufferers have had their bunion surgery cancelled, or have decided to steer clear of non-essential procedures until COVID-19 is under control. While […]
Bunion Friendly Shoes for Men

Bunion-Friendly Shoes For Men Do you or your male loved one suffer from bunions or other toe/foot deformities? Are you having trouble finding bunion friendly shoes for men? Feel like you can never find the right shoes that provide the look and comfort you desire? Even with bunions or other deformities, there are a variety […]