Is Your Child at Risk for Bunions?
Did you know that you should be properly measuring your child’s foot at least every two months? When it comes to children, they sure can grow quickly and unfortunately for many of them, this can lead to wearing the wrong size shoes. Wearing the wrong size shoes may seem like it isn’t that important, but it can actually lead to lifelong complications, discomfort and even pain. When children wear shoes that are too small for them, it can increase their risk of hallux valgus (bunions). (Are there bunion treatments for kids?)
In a recent study, 2000 parents were asked their child’s shoe size. Of those 2000 parents, only 45% of them were correct. 18% of the children were actually wearing shoes that were TWO sizes too small for their feet.
So what exactly can parents do to ensure their children are wearing proper shoes? For starters, you should be properly measuring your child’s foot.
Hallux Valgus in Children – Bunion Treatment for Kids
Prevention is the best strategy of all bunion treatments for kids. When it comes to preventing bunion formation in children, it is important to make sure they are wearing the right shoes. You should be properly measuring their foot. That doesn’t mean putting the shoe up to the bottom of their foot, pushing on it to see where their toe is or even asking your child how it feels. We mean actually measure their foot to get the proper measurements. By measuring your child’s foot, you can get the exact measurement and ensure that any shoes will properly fit. Other methods can be inaccurate due to different factors. When holding the shoe to the bottom of your child’s foot, it doesn’t take into account the seams and interior structures. Pushing on their toe can also be inaccurate due to the fact they may not have their foot properly in the shoe. Asking children how it feels can also be misleading as they often can’t tell whether or not the shoe is right on their foot.
We also recommend leaving about half a shoe size when buying shoes for your child, this can give them a bit of room to grow in between the two month period when you measure their foot.
Find Bunion Treatment for Kids Today
Did improperly fitting shoes lead to bunion formation? Interested in natural bunion treatment? At Bunion Bootie we are dedicated to providing bunion treatments for kids and all patients that are interested in avoiding bunion surgery. Take a look at our products to select the right natural bunion treatment for you.